Rt. Rev. Dr. Fredrick Shoo
Chair Person


Rev.Can.Dr. Moses Matonya
General Secreatry


A Christ-centered ecumenical instrument devoted to sustainable holistic development for the Kingdom of God. t


To foster sustainable holistic development in the society through facilitation and capacity building, while effectively coordinating members’ efforts and the available resources.

Core Values

Stewardship, Love and Compassion,Transparency and Accountability, Unity, Honesty and Integrity, Trustworthy and Faithfulness, Excellence and Professionalism, Volunteerism

Management Team


Godlisten Moshi

Director of Administration and Human Resources

Email: ahr@cct.or.tz


Clotilda Ndezi

Director of Development Programs and Advocacy

Email: clondezi@cct.or.tz


Rev David Kalinga

Director of Mission and Evangelism



Beatrice Dengenesa

Director of Investment

Email: beatrice@cct.or.tz


Emma Mashauri

Director of Morogoro Women Training Center(MWTC)

Email: director@cct-mwtc.co.tz


Boazi Kitaja

Director - Wakala wa Makanisa (WAMA)

Email: director@wama-cct.org


Urio Ndekirwa

Planning Monitoring and Evaluaton Officer



Etanga Kajanja

Director of Finance

Email: finance@cct.or.tz


Grace Mayengo

Internal Auditor

Email: auditor@cct.or.tz
