CCT through the advocacy and policy analysis unit has organized a workshop in Dodoma region with the aim of looking at the area of sexual violence, pregnancy and child marriage in Dodoma Region. CCT has been collaborating with various stakeholders including the Government in the National Plan for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Children (MTAKUWA) with the aim of reducing the rate of violence by 50% by 2022. This session was opened by the Assistant Administrative Secretary for Management and Local Government in Dodoma Region Mr. Nathalis Linuma In Dodoma Stakeholders in this session have mentioned the most common acts of violence which are rape, physical assault, student abortion, mutilation. And more than 50 percent of cases reported in legal aid centers have been resolved. In an effort to eradicate violence, stakeholders have urged the government to put in place a strategy for this education to reach out to students while they are in school, and the stakeholders themselves will begin to show change in protest against acts of violence, continuing to provide education to the community. Having counseling centers and using psychologists to counsel victims of violent acts