Photo is a group of Tupendane from Urunda village in Mbarali District, Mbeya Region during the rice harvest using a machine called Combine Harvester - which they have rented to facilitate the work. Professional farming techniques have been fueled by the training of Strong Woman Project that has been providing training to enhance productive activities for groups of women entrepreneurs. The group has successfully harvested 37 sacks of rice per acre. Mbeya Regional Strong Women Project Coordinator Faustina Godwin cited it as a model group in implementing what they were taught by agronomists through the Strong Women Project as previously before the training yields were low where on one acre they were earning an average of 15 sacks. Strong Woman Project is supervised by CCT with funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). This project is being implemented in four regions which are Mbeya, Songwe, Dodoma and Mara